Jade Phoenix's Thoughts On The World.
Published on July 14, 2004 By JadePhoenix In Personal Relationships
If your boyfriend/girlfriend husband or wife admitted to cheating on you or admitted to trying to cheat on you but hasnt been sucessful yet, how would you handle this what would you do? A Friend of mine asked me this question thought I'd get feedback.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 15, 2004
To cheat on your partner is to declare the end of the partnership, whether or not children are involved. The cheater will do it again..is not to be trusted.. so it's over!

Yes, but I would probably be willing to stay in a marriage where I did not trust my wife if I honestly thought it would benefit my children.
on Jul 15, 2004
Yes, but I would probably be willing to stay in a marriage where I did not trust my wife if I honestly thought it would benefit my children.

As a child who lived that....trust me, it doesn't benefit them.....my brother and I were much happier after our folks split.
on Jul 15, 2004
admitted to trying to cheat on you but hasnt been sucessful yet

This is the part that bothered me the most...I would be angry about any infidelity, but if he's trying to cheat, going out of his way to look for someone...he's gone. It's bad enough when it "just happens."
on Jul 27, 2004
I would be GONE GONE GONE....
on Jul 27, 2004
I agree with Marcie..I think I would be gone.

The reason being is that a lot of people who cheat are likely to do it again. Why would your partner admit that he/she was 'trying' to cheat on you? " I was hitting pretty hard on brother/sister/dentist/dog groomer, but they weren't feeling me." What does that say about you, or your relationship? For some reason, you weren't good enough anymore? Play on the side for fun is not really a excuse in this matter. Something like cheating leaves scars long after the relationship is said and done.

And if you stay with them? There might always be regret and resentment there towards the other person. Trust, that invaluable currency, is lost. Sometimes you can't get it back. I personally think that trust isn't something that can be built to jsut have it voided in a night of 'fun' sex. The bond is broken, and depending on the person, it might never be fixed.

I'm sure there are cases where the cheating had circumstance, but then again, how would you be able to trust that those circumstances didn't happen again?
on Jul 27, 2004
I'd be out of there. I only have a girlfriend now, and I won't need to worry about kids for about 10-15 years.

Doubt this will have much weight on anyone or if it will be payed attention to in the first place being that I'm only a teenager, but trust is a one time thing and it takes a lot to be built up. It's a one time thing in that it can and will be lost after an act of infidelity.
on Jul 27, 2004
I think women are much more forgiving than men. I know many wives who have stayed with husbands who cheated but I honestly don't know one husband who didn't divorce his wife as soon as he found out.
on Jul 27, 2004
I think women are much more forgiving than men. I know many wives who have stayed with husbands who cheated but I honestly don't know one husband who didn't divorce his wife as soon as he found out.
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