Jade Phoenix's Thoughts On The World.
A Poem By Me
Published on July 14, 2004 By JadePhoenix In Life Journals
If We Only Knew
(Dedicated to the inner faith of man)

If we only knew of things that will be,
The many things we cannot yet see.
Our lives are full of fancy and fair,
Our hearts remain as light as air.

If we could only see what was meant to be,
Could we have ended the pain we must now see?
If we only knew what hearts wanted to say,
The last time our brother came this way,
Our hearts and minds would remain sane,
Free of all this grief and pain.

We do not know what God is to plan,
If we did, would we still question his plan?
If we knew his path for us,
Through Heaven's clouds and hue,
We would still shout and cuss,
If we only knew!

James Eugene Wyatt

Copyright ©2002 James Eugene Wyatt

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