Jade Phoenix's Thoughts On The World.
Through Love, Understanding And Communication
Published on July 13, 2004 By JadePhoenix In Personal Relationships
Every family has problems, this is a given. Sometimes We all feel that our own family has more problems and bad times than anyone else's. In this modern world it is true that there are more issues within the home than there ever was. With the vast majority of families, both parents work outside the home...as is the case with my family. Many of the families that are like this end up with the children feeling some sort of neglect because one parent isn't always there for them. Many fail to ensure that these feelings do not develop within their children's hearts. Some do. The greatest advantage of the modern world as far as employment is concerned, is the fact that we can work mornings, afternoons, nights, weekends or whenever for the most part. As is the case with my family. We make sure that there is enough time with each parent for our daughter as well as enough time with both of us together. It works for us. (I am not ragging on others that aren't like this.)

In the modern world there seems to be more sicknesses prevalent, or at least, more that are known to us. My family has suffered many illnesses and strings of what is typically honed up to bad luck. Not too long after our daughter was born, on New Years Eve 2000/New Years Day 2001, I ended up in the hospital with Triple Viral Pneumonia, I fell into a coma for three months. A few days after I was admitted my infant daughter was admitted for a week with RSV pnemonia. My darling wife sat with both of us the entire time we were in there. When my daughter was released she spent a few hours here and there with her the rest of the time she spent with me and slept next to me. Our daughter was with our significant others during the times Crystal was with me. My wife is so strong she was able to go through this without breaking. I admire her strength. She has told many people in bad situations to not let things get them down because she had almost lost her entire family when we were still a very new family unit.

My wife has had seven pregnancies and one lived. I thought that if anything would have destroyed us emotionally it would have been that but it made us stronger. We knew we could not blame each other for this. The blame is in fact her familiy's because of the physical and sexual abuse they heaped on her that messed her insides up. My wife hd a tubalectomy, cancer scares in her ovaries and now has cervical cancer that is treat/curable. Every trial we have had, we view as a test to make us stronger as a family.

No matter how many bad things happen, it can always be worked out and overcome by communication, love, and understanding and most importantly...being friends with your spouse and children. My wife and I are best friends and were best friends before we were married or even dating. If a relationship really is based on true love and not lust, any obstacle can be overcome by love. There are things my family has gone through that could have completely destroyed us as has been the issue with many if not most families of the modern world.

No matter how bad things seem if your love of your family is indeed true of heart and mind...you will have and maintain a happy family. Remember....family is your number one support and strength.

on Jul 13, 2004

i agree with ur statement dude.true love has the power to heal any damn shit in this world.
on Jul 13, 2004
No matter how bad things seem if your love of your family is indeed true of heart and mind...you will have and maintain a happy family. Remember....family is your number one support and strength.

Truer words were never spoken!