Jade Phoenix's Thoughts On The World.
Online Relationships And Friendships
Published on July 10, 2004 By JadePhoenix In Internet
Chat Rooms are the life blood for many of us out there. Personally, I have made many lasting friendships with people I will probably never meet in person. Sometimes there is more drama in certain rooms than one wants to handle. In a Chat Room one can find lasting friendships or even relationships. I admit there is someone in my most frequented Chat Room that I have an incredible crush on but will probably never let him know. My wife thinks I should tell him. She says he would be a much better boyfriend than the one I have now. I seriously doubt he would even be interested in me in the first place. Hes extremely gorgeous. In case he reads this I won't put his name here. Will probably make the entire Chat Room guess who I am talking about.

There is my internet father. A great source of strength and inspiration for me. My internet Grandparent and Perhaps my best friend in the entire would with the exception of my wife. These two are perhaps the most influential people in my life...especially my online life and with the drama in my everyday life as well. Theres the online friend that We nit pick harrass and even insult each other back and forth...he is perhaps the one person I have found that is more outspoken than myself. LOL! .....And then there is my secret crush...enough said. Gawd I'm Blushing.

Chat Rooms have so many benefits yet people go to them for alterior motives. Usually these motives lead to no good. I get so tired of pedophiles and older people trying to hook up with younger people that are not interested. Some take hints others push it. Chat life is an escape for many of us. What better way to spend internet time than making new friends from different parts of this vast blue orb we call earth? Chat has the ability to help cure or at least calm down lonliness.

Special Hug To All Of My Chat Room Friends Especially To That One Guy I Have The Secret Crush On.

on Jul 10, 2004
OMG...if Chad knew how you felt he'd be in North Dakota by noon.
on Jul 10, 2004
Gawd Grandparent of mine it isnt chad ewwwwww But I will tell you elsewhere who it is and its been the same person for a few years now.