Jade Phoenix's Thoughts On The World.
About Me
Published on July 9, 2004 By JadePhoenix In Welcome
What would anyone like to know about a person the first time they post something on a site that is new to them? Well it is Friday, July 9th 2004. I am a married 24 year old guy. My wife and I are openly bisexual. We have a beautiful little girl Jade Elaine...Who is a pain in the backside sometimes. Aren't all children though? I live in North Dakota, USA.

I was born in London, England on a warm August Day in 1979. I have had many professions in my life. I have a PHD in Music Education, A Masters In Business Administration, A Bachelors In Theatre and An English Minor And A Minor In Linguistics. I Graduated High School at age 15. Moved to the USA to live with my American father when I was a teenager. Sometimes I feel that was the worst mistake I ever made. Started University at 16 years old. Both of my parents were/are in the Music/Theatre Profession. I grew up performing in Musical Theatre, some Opera and As A concert Pianist. I consider myself a Concert Piano Vocalist (Smirk). Right now my career field is hectic I am a part-time Financial Investor, Owner Of 2 Gyms & Expanding, Part-Time Music Professor At a Local University Ordained Pagan High Priest.

I have a belief that I have always stuck to..."Although many of us don’t think about the power of words, sound, or touch, those who have gone before us knew that all things carried an energy of their own, and to give that positive energy to another was a gift more precious than gold." There are many people that have influenced my life over the years. Some have influenced me in good ways and some have influenced me in negative ways. The most positive and spritually rewarding influence I have had is someone I have not yet met in person, but had the Honor of Meeting In MSN Chat. He lives in Jerusalem. He posts on here as Manopeace. Over the years whether I have had doubts about myself or anything, I always known that I could rely on his source of immense wisdom.

The most negative influence in my life is/has perhaps been my own father. I won't go into too much detail about him. Most people desire the best for their children...not him. If/When his children surpass anything he has done, as I have in every aspect of life as has my sister, he gets jealous. My father is the type that thinks he is perfect. Believe me he will tell you this too. "I am perfect in everyway. I am better looking than you. I am smarter than you will ever be. I more close to God than any other mortal being could ever hope to be. " Over the last year or so we had invited my perfect father into our home to live with us. He lost everything to gambling. I knew it was a mistake, but I always try to be a good son no matter what. He lived here and tried to run and control my house and my family. When I was a teenager and came out of the closet to my parents, my father came out to me as well as did my mother. I learned my father was gay and my mother was bi. Nowadays, I wish I would have never told him my sexuality. He took advantage of the situation mere days after I opened my mouth.

I learned over the years that my father had many sick pleasures from teenage boys. After we removed him from our house, our life and our family for good In February this year, we learned from our three year old that my father had touched her. I would have never suspected that he would have touched a girl in that way. Boys yes, Girls no. We reported him to our daughters pediatrician and it is now under investigation. We hope he gets life. I have two siblings that share the same father as me. He was married at one time...but never to my mother. I was a planned pregnancy between two best or should I say tow ex best friends. I have three siblings that share the same mother as me. I am the youngest of 6. When I told my sister and brother that our Dad had done these things to me, they stopped talking to me all together. When I re-told them again about what he did to me then what he did to my daughter it got even worse. I grew up never wanting for anything. Never been financially unstable. I have always counted my blessings and deal with life accordingly. No matter what bad things has happened to me, I move on and go on with my life. I refuse to let the bad things get me down for very long. Word of wisdom to younger readers, it isn't what happens to you in life, it is how you deal with it.

Life is meant to be lived to the fullest, not to be lived in fear. Keep a sound mind and know that there is someone there to keep you safe...this someone is inside of you waiting to get out. Thats how I view life. Took me many years to realize that. Thanks Manopeace for your many words of wisdom...yes Yenta does actually listen to you.

Much Regards to all,


on Jul 09, 2004
Welcome aboard jadephoenix!...looking forward to reading more about you.
on Jul 09, 2004
Thanks Hun,

on Jul 09, 2004
Welcome to JU....will be looking forward to learning more about you and your family. Just jump right in to any of the discussions that interest you, or feel free to start one!
on Jul 09, 2004
Thanks Will Do
on Jul 09, 2004
Welcome to JU ...
I like your honesty and openess.. its rare and very interesting.
on Jul 09, 2004
Thanks Phoenixboi....Ive read some of your blogs...ur very insiteful and have handled ur situation with such grace that most would never be capable of.
